outstanding exceptional superior mega

brand reach

Acquire more leads by turbo charging your brand's online presence and connect with your audience like never before.

Leading Expertise

The growth partner you've always wanted

We believe that marketing is an intrinsic part of a businesses growth and take a strategic approach to digital marketing that compliments existing marketing efforts in a cohesive and collaborative manner.


Growth Strategy

Not just another marketing agency, we are business growth experts that leverage the power of online marketing.

The old addage that failing to plan is planning to fail is exceedingly true with online marketing.

It isn't a field of dreams, so you can't simply build it and expect people to come. It requires a concentrated approach.

Google Ads

Search intent advertising for hot leads

A significant component of a cohesive growth strategy continues to involve Google. Our team has the expertise to make Google Ads perform to their utmost potential, typically in collaboration with an effective Social Marketing and Search Engine Optimization strategy for a complete marketing solution.

Social Media

Brand awareness at it's best

We develop comprehensive strategies that truly define a brand's identity to position it effectively amongst the minds of future and existing customers.

Our team takes a multi-faceted approach and not only maintains paid advertising campaigns, but also manages all social media profiles, posts, comments and ongoing consumer engagement.

Social media isn't a set and forget advertising medium and must be managed pro-actively extract it's potential.


Content is King

Get on the First Page of Google and be noticed.

A website with quality, well written content which provides value has always been the key to success with search performance. When this is paired up with a complete marketing campaign that involves Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, the rankings follow suit.

Leverage the wealth of experience from our team to grow your brand online today.


Wide Ranging Capabilities

Not just Google Ads, Facebook and SEO. Our team's experience and capabilities in digital marketing runs deep.


Pinterest is often overlooked, but can be an immense driver of traffic to a brand's website where rich, high quality images are relevant to the market.

Untapped  potential may exists here for luxurious real estate properties, holiday destinations, hotels, restaurants, and many more.


Many forget about the power of e-mail because of the widespread junk that can arrive in a persons inbox.

But when you break it down, no other advertising medium has the power to arrive directly into a person's pocket with next to no cost per view.

We won't let our client's forget that power of re-marketing. It's our thing.


A new YouTube channel's content may only get a handful of views, even less than 10 views in the first week!

But, did you know that's completely normal? It's not neccessarily an indication of wasted effort.

Let us guide you through the intricacies of YouTube.


Unlike many other platforms, TikTok has an immense audience that can be incredibly powerful.

However, its audience does not respond well to being "sold to" and demands a very specific approach.

When executed correctly, a brand's reach here can be immense.


In House Analysis

Our proprietary systems monitor the Australia and New Zealand market like no other.


Market Monitoring

Powered with the most indepth market data of the Australasian region, MegaReach can provide insights into our client's competitors to an extraodinarily deep level.

  • Search data for cities and regions throughout Australia and New Zealand
  • Google Ads, SERP's, Profiles, Maps, Reviews
  • Exceeding location depth of other tools like SEMRush © and Ahrefs ©
  • Businesses social presences and historical metrics
Meet Our Leaders

Decades of Experience

Our leadership team bring with them decades of experience and a knowledge base that is second to none. Our team have managed thousands of campaigns and millions of dollars of ad spend. Schedule a call with us today to experience the MegaReach difference.


These real-life stories showcase the impact we make every day

Learn how our team's experience with thousands of marketing campaigns and millions of dollars of ad spend has benefitted our clients.

Chris Drake Founder & CEO

I have worked with a lot of agencies in the past through various businesses I have been involved with, and Megareach gets what others don't. They speak at the level I need and make realistics suggestions.

Sara Cameron Account Executive

Excellent service and throughly trained professionals, and their ability to explain things in simple terms was such a pleasant experience.

Brendan White Marketing Co-ordinator

I can't help but express how impressed I am with their incredible professionalism and expertise. They really know their stuff and businesses growth has followed in their efforts.

Get Started

Want to take your business to the Next Level?

Reach out and we'll set aside a time to meet so that we can truly understand your business.

Tell us a little about your business.